The Most Rev Dr Philipose Mar Chrysostum Valiya Thirumeni has been a source of inspiration to millions of people around the world. He is a much sought after religious head for journalists. Whenever I had the privilege to interact with him, he had lit up brighter lights on my career path.
It was with much anxiety about the health of this 97-year-young holy father that I joined a few other journalists to meet him at the Marthoma Parsonage on November 18, just a few hours after his arrival in Bahrain. I was delighted to see him healthy and in his usual mood of making others laugh and think with his words filled with humour.
“What is the prime duty of a journalist or the media”, he asked. “To inform and educate the public,” I uttered. “Are you doing that job sincerely,” he asked again. I observed silence, the meaning of which he fully understood.
”If there is a murder or rape, do you just inform it to the public or give the minute details of the murder and raping process ? Such details can be given to a lawyer, not to a seven or seventy year old reader of a newspaper.”
“The prime role of the media should be to build the society. It should be done by motivating people to be part of the community around them. Without the growth of the community, individuals cannot grow.”
Suppose our scientists invent a machine which can reveal the life’s secrets of every individual who places his finger on it, do you have the courage to place your finger there ? No, all of us confessed. “But you will be excited if you are invited to witness your friend placing his finger on this machine !,” said the Metropolitan .
Man’s greatest need is Man, he continued. Yes, another Man who cares for him. Unfortunately , today’s men have become too selfish and are keeping away from the society and confining to themselves. They have forgotten to love their fellow human beings and to show compassion to the needy around them.”
This longest reigning Bishop in India has conquered the hearts of the millions with his unusual knowledge and practical wisdom. He is rightly called the Window of Knowledge and practical wisdom. His amazing wits force open the closed minds and the ensuing wisdom have made him the hero of the hour. Yes, people like him unites the world under one roof and I salute him for his missionary zeal and inspirational life,
My heart enthrals as I gaze him hale and hearty as he has reached 97 with his expansive vision, promoting fraternity and unchanging faith in God as the basis of man’s responsive behaviour. He uplifts the human souls beyond the man-made barriers and appreciates any one who does humanitarian activities for the love of God. He is the beloved Thirumeni of the youth and the pride of the ageing adults. If there is any one in the world who can cure the sick , heal the hurt leading them to instantaneous laughter as the best of all medicines that technology has developed till date. In a nutshell he is aptly called our Valiya Thirumeni. He is simply great! May God’s continued blessings be showered upon him for his onward health and toweing personality.